Bot Levels
All levels created by simulated annealing bots that try to maximize stepcount within the area. Some have human tweaks.
Break Infinity🎓Bachelors
Capital R📝Junior High
📝Junior High
Insular Gigantism📚Highschool
Baker's Dozen📚Highschool
Beyond Measure📚Highschool
Metric Ton✏️Elementary
Heaping Tablespoon📚Highschool
Troy Ounce🎓Bachelors
Car Battery💉Masters
Cassette Rewind💉Masters
Rotary Phone📝Junior High
📝Junior High
Analog Watch📚Highschool
Insular Dwarfism📚Highschool
Polar Night💉Masters
Nautical Mile🎓Bachelors
Leap Year📚Highschool