Lots of places to lose steps, and lots of cool tricks along the way. I didn't have too much trouble with the general route, but for me there were 2 main areas where you could easily lose 2 steps.
Edit: Never thought that could save 2 more steps! This is easily overlooked! This symmetrical level gives a surprisingly intricate path. If you are 2-off, try to think of different ways to do a certain section and experiment them like previously said. 88 tries.
10 off in 12 tries. The problem is I've got no idea left *-* Edit1: 4 off, in about 40 tries .. again lacking ideas .. Edit2: 2 off and searching... Edit2: Oh well, I saw the part of the combination before, but didn't use the right order. 126 tries, all together. :) Great level!
Oh yes, the level was designed that way. My intention was a windmill / Forgive me-ish level, and this level is pretty hard, in my opinion...
I found a 481 path, but I have yet to find yfkd\'s path. Gotta find it.