31. 10. 2009 Great level!
I got too creative, I guess. ;) Still looking for those 2 ... (found 4 off and several more, as well, hihiih).
Edit1: Finally, in 122 tries I figured out how to do it! One of my favourite levels, around here. I only have one level left (In Utero), in this World.
EDIT2, 12th July, 2024 (Edit 1 says 11 years ago, so it was probably sometime in 2015).
Today I finally re-solved this beauty. Was first kept 6 off, and then 2 off, before I finally solved it. I remembered playing it, but had absolutely no recollection about the solution. :)
After resolving I'll say this is still one of my favourites. Such a stunning solution *******************************************************************.