The idea behind that level was to modify it until each ending had a reasonably close amount of steps. Some weird parts might be explained due to corre...
Woooow, I finally got it, wooo hooo! :)
This was really deceiving and ''messy''.
Looks very nice, like a ''there's a light at the end of the tunnel'', or something. ;) Or like an explosion of a supernova. ;)
I had a very nice two off, that I wanted to somehow optimize, but - after many tries had to admit to myself, that it was a no-go (would be a very nice path, if it was possible. I think I've tried all the exits, though from the start, only by looking, I just elimintaed some. Later the level literally forced me, to try them all. Unfortunatelly, the right one I started trying last. LOL.
I think it 's a GREAT ''Messy logic''! :)