Can’t find the 105 that apparently exists on the right side yet, but I intend to come back and try again. The 105 on the left is quite nice - for a while on my first go I couldn’t even see the way to the exit, but when I finally found it it was immediately the 105.
Edit: I did eventually find the 105 on the right. That's a very subtle solution, really cool. Might have been a little nicer as two puzzles, or to have made the 105 impossible on the right.
I remained stuck on left section for a long time, not finding the way out. Took some breaks, came back... No progress. Today, I come and solve it on first try LOL
The top left is fantastic, and the other section is also a good puzzle, but the fact that 105 is possible on both sides really devalues the puzzle in my eyes :( I think that was unintentional.