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Level #56: Have fun Unlock Pro Completion Difficulty
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6 reviews
My first try I was overthinking the hell out of this level, but no, it's really that straightforward. So this is what awaited me past level 55 seventeen years ago... huh.
Almost all of Raszlo's levels are masterpieces, to me. This one is good, but I find it kind of easy, too. Got it in 3rd try (in the new game).
I actually had fun.
Great level. But as earlier reviewers said...way too easy for #56. 7 tries.
Very east level, i beat it in 4 tries(the first three i hit a wrong arrow and lost 2 steps)
Nah, it\'s definitely too easy for level 56, still a good level though.
...I found that one quite easy, actually. Is it just me?