Really excited to be able to touch because I thought I was out of the woods, but I was very wrong! Optimization has taken me just as long, if not longer. Still stuck 4 off for now.
Oooh, got it! I really like the final path :)
I couldn't figure out, how to reach the exit here, for very long. Today I managed, and I'm now the next one, being kept 4 off. LOL
Hope to find them, soon. :))
Great level!
EDIT (the next day): wooow, I found the last 4 steps. Such a weird combination, for my brain. :))
Stuck at 113 as well... not sure what I'm missing
EDIT: I can't believe how long this took me. I had the right path all along but I assumed I needed a faster approach at the start. Should have listened to yokosooo, it really was just my pipelining.
There are an absolutely insane number of paths that lead to 117... once you get out of the rut of 8-offs, I found it fell quickly, but it was an absolute ride to get there.