Painful. good record Alazeh!
10 months ago
Not the best use of space but it features some rather difficult optimizations.
Waaaaa, this is one of my favourite dungeons. <3 Loved it, a looooooot! Will look again, if there's more than my current 428, though I won't be surprized if I don't find it. Really nice options, so it does make you think.
Solid; has some decent ideas, and routing requires some thought
Reach's doesn't count
Blarfulon is the jester of pathology making very strange levels and yet he does not have the worst rated level in the game.
10 months ago
Yes, I love this dungeon. But not sure where the last two moves are. It's a real PIPES dungeon. :)) And FlashBack found some secret passages. :watermelon: I will look some more and hope to find all the mysteries, in here. :) EDIT (after some good sleep :)) ) : Now I have found FlashBack's last mystery passage. :))) Very nice. :)) P. S. I do agree with Reach, that it's better if the dungeons are smaller (less steps). P.P.S. I didn't even realize (until just now, some minutes later) that I found a new secret, too. LOL Now it's your turn, Flash! :P
Awful. It took me 3 attempts because I overcomplicated things on both of my first two attempts. I have now wasted 5548 moves on this level.