Optimizing Loopy stuff. Definitely not my forte. Level is fine I just find these structures bland. Like traveling through a city at rush hour. You'll get to the exit without difficulty but getting there fast is another matter entirely.
Took forever. Not Particularly fun but only solved it by deconstructing my routes from the other 2 of the series and eliminating what worked there so it couldn't work here.
Brutal one for me.
I couldn’t see anything below 238~240 for the LONGEST time. Finally shaved a few off and then the final steps started coming very slowly.
This is a really great level. Even if the record/path is unintentional, it’s incredibly deceptive and has an absolute insane number of close paths.
Congrats, You broke my brainbox. I'll get it eventually though =[ *EDIT* AHAH! brilliant cut flashback. ew another good cut by FB, what made you even try that?
Another terrifying level of my past re-defeated. Tam re-clear soon?