Pretty cool
Surprising solution.
Kinda weird one. If you get to the exit it’s like immediately optimal
A surprising simple one despite being large and holefilled
Tough. A lot of options for several areas and a few areas that come back into play at a later time! The sloppyness I mentioned before isn’t completely gone. I have three pretty different variations coming to 354.
The fact that all these exits are pretty viable is really crazy. Insanely well balanced even with the record cut!
Level feels like PP2 toggle. Bonus star for looking like an ice cream cone.
Tricky. A bit reminiscent of Raszlo’s ”tournament”
Stuck on the 2 off for quite a while. Knew what I had to do but couldn’t get the blocks to work right.
The level itself is uninspiring. There’s a lot of similar iterations around on this site. The last ~8 steps though is phenomenal everything comes together real smooth. Feels very nice.