This was so difficult when I solved it years and years ago. This time through I understand pipeline things so much better and the cuts that made me so frustrated back in the day came easy this time.
This is the hardest level in David's entire collection. If you solve this you can likely count yourself among the champions of the game. The block choices/timing/path selection all have multiple variations that are very close and will leave you questioning which way is correct. at 274 this would have been a good level, at 272 this is a mid grade SGM level, at 270 this is just something else entirely.
First Solve 1103 and fairly certain most of phase 3 could be improved dramatically. Probably the first level in pathology that has kept me from the exit for more then 2 full sit down sections.
1103-->1057-->1013-->1009-->995 -->987--> 983-->981-->973-->971!!!!
I don't actually understand what I did to cut the last 2. I know the section I cut it in though! Was hoping to find another 2 but this feels really clean. Congrats on the record Meowlong, and thanks for an awesomely challenging level KJS!