I wish this was 234. I tried a few things but couldn’t make anything work. There’s so much variation on the right side I almost can’t believe a 2 step cut isn’t lurking somewhere.
2 tries, first was “see how far off the obvious route is”. There doesn’t seem to be that many options that don’t result in a very long return path other then the solution
Most of this level is generic and actually very simple. The final 2 cut can be exceedingly difficult to find however. I’m not entirely sure how it works. Should study this one a bit.
like most long hole levels the majority of the tricks are at the very beginning, but there are a few savers later on as well. Make sure you understand Noob training F in Doug's Noob training world. from there you should have to cut down about 10 steps.
Looks like this level had a historical starting stepcount of 2,830 and was cut down in the following order:
Tailskillsyou 1,915
Underling 1,911
Underling 1,905
DarkManticoreX2 1.897
Thunderkid/Qllmus 1,895