16 minutes tonight, stuck for 3 hours at 161 several months ago.
Same as 5 other levels in this universe just bigger
Completed my Pathology PhD with this one!
Kinda weird level, really glad for the last 2 cut. Figuring out the path to the exit is super cool, but once that's figured out a lot of the level is standard movement. The last 2 really helps bring some life to the optimization side.
I want to 5 star this because it’s a good classic pp1 but I’m kinda underwhelmed by the solution.
11 months ago
Very Tough, Very evil square-esque
With cheese next.
Why on earth is that 2 steps faster -.-
Ow. Painful one
My favorite of the medium levels so far. Other ones are harder/have better hidden paths but don’t feel as balanced as this one.