15 years ago
Yes, finally. 67 tries. Great cut!! Excellent level. :D
Like 450 days ago i cant beaten this level. Today i came back and beaten it in 5 tries. XD Nice level, good hidden that 2 off trick!
After 3 tries, i found the 2 off way, the 4th try i was 4 off.... And the 5th try i have beaten it. XD Just a little mistake on my 2 off way.
Won. :) 25 tries, dont know what i did...
2 ways :S
15 years ago
Ogmo 3
Sorry, but i set the record after 1 try after a long time....... And my birthday. XD
Nice, beaten. 28 tries. :P Why is the level almost empty?
Sweet!!! XD
15 years ago
What did i do different then my 2 off way?.....
Beaten, sweet level. XD Another 2 off cut. XD
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