a year ago
Struggled 4 off for a while, but came back and got it instantly
a year ago
a year ago
Oof there's a 2 off if you're blind like me. (Un?)fortunately the cool cut is heavily exposed by the stepcount.
a year ago
Not unfun, but not terribly fun.
I would highly recommend clearing For Masters Only before attempting this one. Even then I was about 100 off at first XD. That came down quickly once I hit on the right idea for how to fetch the last couple of block you need to open the middle. I'm still not super convinced this is optimal. There are just so many possibilities it feels like there could be more somewhere.
a year ago
14 moves
My first idea was the correct one (after a little optimization) There is an interesting structure on the way to the solution, but the rest of the level is not an effective use of space.
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