10 months ago
Free points
Definitely not free, but still fun!
10 months ago
4f73r m3
10 months ago
14 moves
Incredibly repetitive. The only interesting part happens in the last 50 moves or so. The rest of the level is just unnecessary.
10 months ago
Level isn’t fun and has a blind spot for me that took forever to resolve. Glad to be done this world. It’s a nasty one.
Some nice optimizations baked into this one, but most of the path is forced. Not a bad level, but not a great one either IMO.
That was not easy. Many options to try and I even found a completely different 223.
It's a long hole level so it can't get the greatest review ever but for what it is it's pretty interesting. There is some nice ordering to get the blocks in each section and the final 2 are very clever.
Just a fine level. Not a very big fan of this sort, but it’s decent enough. Has a few tricks.