Wooow, 30 tries, only to come 2 off (was 6 off, before that). And this is all AFTER already having solved the other variation. I hope I'll soon find these last two steps. :) Edit: OH, yesss, hehe, it took me just one more try. Very good level. For me, more difficult, then the other one.
And another wonderful level ! I was 4 off, for quite a while. Then got 2 off and was sure couldn't save two more, UNLESS ... heheheh, that's how I knew what I had to do differently. :)) 22 tries.
21.10.2009: I am the one, who found 2 off (and 10 off and 8 off ...)
Have 50 tries already, and will try more ! Great level! :) Edit: I cannot believe I finally found the last 2 steps! 75 tries. EXCELLENT LEVEL!
I've found a 2 off very fast (in 2nd try), but where are these TWOOO ?? Arrrggghhhhhh (over 20 tries, already, have this feeling that I've tried all possibilities ... which is of course not valid). :) edit: Hihihi, I've tried that be4, but not correctly. WONDERFUL LEVEL! !
This is a GREAT level! I was trying and trying, but always 16 or 12 or 10 or 8 or 6 off. One time even much more off (and it was not in my 1st try, but I was getting desperate, heheh). Finally, in 25th try, I solved it. :) Great level, indeed!
Gee, over 10 tries constantly blocking myself. 18 tries only to get 18 off. OMG! This is a terrific level! Will keep trying! Edit1: 33 tries and 4 off. :D No ideas, left! :S Edit: OMG, I was doing a SILLY mistake! And now I finally got the last 4, as well. GREAT level, indeed! :)
Wow, when I saw the number of moves, I thought it would give me MUCH troubles. But I got it in 6 tries. Very fun and interesting level (but not very difficult, for me). :)