I had some serious tunnel vision on this one. Great level.
Well, I recognize T Total from PP1. You might want to unpublish, cut bottom row and publish again if you wanted the level back in its original state.
I currently can't 48 my own puzzle haha. Edit: Took 18 days and 24 attempts to finally see it. It's pretty easy to get tunnel vision on this.
That's pretty evil when you don't pick the right path. Edit: Revisited 14 years in the future. Nice Pathing!
Very good level design. Lots of memories here. I've been stuck on this one for over a year which is the 2nd longest amount of time I've been stuck on a level. Forgive Me took me 3 years to solve while playing on and off from time to time. I've never even tried 70 and 71 up to this point. I felt like I had enough for a while and they don't look any easier.
This is so much more friendly when you can undo moves and just hold a key to move forward. Great level.
This is the first time I see this concept. Very nice level.
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