1 minute solve 😎 Great series!
Least interesting of the three but somehow took me the longest to see
In my opinion this is the best solution of the series. Took me a while to see this option
For me, this was the hardest of the three. Had a lot of fun playing through these!
I’m not always a fan of levels like this were there’s a lot of goals to go to, but this one isn’t as bad because it’s immediately clear that many of them are unattainable. I do like the little trick at the end of this one, though. Very cute level.
10 months ago
10 months ago
Getting from the naive solution to 70 was a trip!
The most frustrating thing for me was trying something VERY similar to the correct path and thinking this isn't right at all and then focusing on an entirely different path instead, which I thought was more likely to be the correct way. I should have just continued on building out the weird (correct) path and I would have solved this sooner! Hint for anyone who comes across this crazy level and is stuck: Don't knock it until you tried it.
10 months ago
Satisfying untangle!
Fun level. Found the path pretty quick but was much longer to find the 2 off. I guess the Crazy thing for me is how many absurd things I will try to save moves instead of just looking a little harder in a spot I thought couldn't get any better.