a year ago
Level 2
a year ago
Level 2
An interesting ordering problem. It does feel like it could be hiding a very devious 82, doesn't it.
a year ago
Level 2
I think this is pretty cool. I just wish there was a super nasty 82 somewhere lol.
Great first level! Couldn't solve it the first time around and had to come back weeks later.
2 years ago
Level 1
2 years ago
Level 1
To me I really did not expect this solution!
2 years ago
Level 1
Wonderful! I found a 2-off right away, but optimizing was not so fast. Took me about 10 minutes, to understand where I was losing the 2 steps. After I found it, I felt a bit stupid, too. :)
2 years ago
Level 1
Everything is very enjoyably in the way of everything else in this level. Fun to unravel.
2 years ago
Level 1