9 years ago
Ogmo 3
Had quite some trouble with the 2 off. Good level!
Okay, thats a cleaner path. Nice record
There's a nice 2 cut on that path.
I didn't know manti had broken the record. 2 off now. EDIT Now there are actually some good cuts here. EDIT2 Good job Nielssss. I wonder if we are done with this level yet...
15 years ago
Ogmo 3
Sorry, but i set the record after 1 try after a long time....... And my birthday. XD
15 tries. It was pretty fun for a long hole level but the possibilities were easily exhausted.
Mildly tricky, had me there for a few tries.
17 years ago
That's right. 519. Try to beat that. .... Ugh.... Not again....
17 years ago
Ogmo 3
Looked like a pretty mediocre level but it's actually got 1 nice trick to it.
17 years ago
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