I'm still not sure how that counts as pipelining but I'm glad to have got it at last.
a year ago
Pretty tricky. I couldn't make it to the exit for ages, but it was very satisfying when I did for 22 steps. What needs doing at the exit is clear, but the preparation to achieve it isn't so clear.
a year ago
Initially I could only see one route and it was 2off, I've found more, but they're 2 off too. I'm blind to the solution. ----------------------------------------- Edit. Came back to it today and within a few attempts I got it, it just seemed to spring out this time.
a year ago
Having failed on the other 2 of this series, I was expecting to fail here, however a bit of optimising later and I got it.
a year ago
First time round I couldn't complete due to not thinking I could break through, realised I could this time around and got it on second attempt.
The route is somewhat forced and generally easy to follow, some optimisation likely to be needed.
a year ago
10 moves
a year ago
It took a little while to come down from overcomplicated to sleek and 47 steps.
It had kept me struggling for a while. Today I got it third try, having failed to get the wrong exit.
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