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Discord *mumbles something about this being the start of the 10th year of the current decade...* Ok, on which path does that work? Sorry, had to put some points on it. Original record...wait, it was still not optimal? So, more than 4 points? Well, the good news is it was only beaten by two...the bad news, is it anything like how I did it? Ok, think that fixes it, although I do not think it added anything to my previous 712...so I know I am currently short. IF there is no more holes...well, you know what I mean :) Yes, vanadium got the record first, but naturally that got wiped once I decided to add a point to the level. Duh, How did I miss that first time Oh please someone break that. Edit: I was refering to my previous record before that. The level seemed too long, still seems that way a bit Heh, because I do not see the obvious sometimes. Not sure if I want to leave it that simple. Although ends up being quite linear it is a clever and interesting design.