

Ranked Solves: 261 🏅
Current Streak: 200 - 🧲
Levels Solved: 574
Levels Completed: 604
Registered: 6 months ago


17 days ago
Wow - congrats on making GM!
17 days ago
Thanks! Wow, that was literally minutes ago, are there notifications
17 days ago
The Thinky.gg server has a notification channel for people getting non-trivial achievements, GM is one of them!
2 months ago
Congrats on buried treasure achievement!! That is super rare
17 days ago
Thank you. What a late response, I should check notifications more and probably join that server one day
17 days ago
Congrats on Grandmaster achievement!!!
2 months ago
Hey there - saw that you have already solved a super grandmaster level and you have only been playing a few months. Congrats - hope you are enjoying the game! Also curious how did you hear about it?
2 months ago
Thanks, I'm having so much fun even if sometimes I'm screaming inside. I first saw it linked on a webgames subreddit. It linked me to Against and it took me like an hour. Fascinated by the move save, I just got hooked. Looking back now, it's a very simple level but I take it as me learning and it was a great lesson level. Got lucky on the grandmaster but I deliberately set it as a goal, it was the lowest move one and I took that as my best shot.
2 months ago
That was me who posted! Yes against is one of my favorite levels too. Btw we have a discord server if you are ever interested in meeting/chatting with other players or level creators.