Fairly well hidden, but some of the false paths are a bit easily discarded.
This level really preys on one's tendency to over-complicate things. Insane number of enticing false paths, great PP1 level.
Wow, I guess I got lucky. Normally, so many exits would totaly confuse me. 5 tries. :)
11 years ago
Swiss Cheese
Another cool thing. I like your levels, because they are soooo misleading. :)
11 years ago
Use Your...
Hehehe, really funny. I almost got stuck, too! :D
11 years ago
Very VERY cute! It confused me! :D :D :D
11 years ago
Don't Forget
Heheheh, funny how I wanted to complicate things ... 24 tries. :D Good level!
Great forecast ! 11 raindrops. ;)
I can't see it... 4+ off.
actually a pretty neat level, just a shame the false paths are so far away.