10 months ago
This was great fun! :)
10 months ago
Woooow, this was GREAT! :)
10 months ago
Well made. Universe cleared for now!
Pretty cool (even if unintentional) 114. Had the right idea for a while but took some time to put together the right combo for the final 2. Solve 5,800 here
Very tight level. It felt impossible at first, until I finally managed to break through and get a 2-off. Played around with a variation on my path until I got there.
11 months ago
Chimney sweep moment
11 months ago
Lepo je spet videti tvoj nov level.! :) I solved this one, first. Very interesting path! EDIT (2 days later): when I solved it, it was at 120. But I had to come back, when JeffB set the 114 record. It gave me a lot of work. The 114 path is just incredible and makes this level even better, IMO.