Ugh. That's not the first response you want when someone sees a level.
too many holes and blocks, no real good trick in it.....
12 off. Make sure you don't overdo the holes, people who have just started making levels sometimes rely on them but it's a bad idea to!
totally broken but still fun solution congratz for flashback of finding the new path and congratz to manti for optimizing it!
27 tries. I recommend people play the unfixed version first. Much more fun that way.
Completed. Can be confusing as that doesn't look like saving steps.
You have a strange definition of easy
You don't get much more 2 off than this... 10 ways! I started off at 6 and kept editing this... For the moment I give up.
Sweet 2 step saver! :D
Found three 2 off before the solution. Pretty nice level. But try to put less holes and less filler ;).