Very good first level. Very well designed. Honestly I'm surprised it was high school as well. I found it quite difficult.
Caution required on this one! Very fun to optimize, great job
I got the same 198 as the level creator to start, and had a lot of fun finding the cuts to get it down to 170 afterwards. I disagree with the comment about the level needing to be smaller - I actually think the puzzle is just the right size. The fourth and fifth rows may look like one can be cut but both being present plays an important role in opening up certain options. Overall I think this is one of the best first levels I've seen in a while. Welcome to the site!
Hello, there! :) This is very good for a first level, IMO. Keep up the good work! Great find, Dolphiner. :)
Welcome! The final path is quite neat with the ordering required, but the level itself really didn't need to be so large. Good stuff :)
Very well-designed first level with some cute cuts along the way, welcome :)
Welcome! Good try for your first level!
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