2 and 4 offs are all I can find, atm. Definitelly the most difficult of the hats! I'll keep searching. EDIT: After 17 days I finally untangled this 44 step GM. Magnificent, inspite of the size! :) Your hats looked different today! ;) :))))
Wow, this one was really weird. I canโ€™t really logically make sense of why what I did worked, I just had to try a bunch of options until I landed on the solution. In retrospect itโ€™s logical, but difficult to arrive at logically. Nice level though.
That is evil
I got the other one in two tries, but this one won't let me in. I'm kept 2 (or 4) off, in several ways. EDIT: the solution surprized me! :)))
The other way feels like it should be faster in my opinion
I did a pipe dad! Dad are you proud of me? Dad were you recording? Dad??
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