This one is much harder than the first. EDIT: Wow, I didn't think of that at all. Great trick!
Very classic PP1 level. Nice shortcuts ;)
16 years ago
This is insanely complicated EDIT: tricky tricky 2 off
16 years ago
Difficult level. Still 4 off after 80 attempts. EDIT: 140 attempts to solve. It was absolutely the last thing I thought it would be :P
16 years ago
Analyzing this one is tough. I don't even know how to get to the goal :P EDIT: Really tricky path, even trickier optimizations. Great level
16 years ago
Go flying 4
Cool trick. Very easy to miss :P
16 years ago
I'm not sure if this path is optimal EDIT: 194 seems like a solid path
16 years ago
Black Oceans
Over 100 attempts and still can't find last two moves EDIT: Wow, habit is an awful thing. Should've been much simpler ;)
16 years ago
Wow, how do you do this? EDIT: Amazing, I have no idea why thats faster
16 years ago
Dividing Line
Different. EDIT: Nice deceptive solution that was missing a slight optimization ;)