Very interesting. :)
Needed 52 tries. grrr u made a level not based on mine, this level is good The top part is actually very nicely done It's extremely easy to loose 2-6 steps there. 9 tries on the new level, plus about 25 last night. 34 points Well, now the bottom is super broken. Wow! I like it. I hope I'm not the only one falling for this 2 off :P wow what an improvement! the only reason i give four not five is its based on my level... is there copywright laws for levels?!?! Hmm, that took me a while to see. EDIT Oh 2 off now EDIT2 Got it. It took me one try this time... Not bad for a first PP1. However, it's fairly linear, making the path obvious, and there is only one real trick. Keep working at it ;) I like this one. It has a lot of open territory and complexity without the downside of too much ambiguity. In my opinion open levels are more enticing to play. They seem simple.