(7 years ago) I think it's a great level with multiple possibilities (was 6 off and on the wrong path, for quite some time ... Now going back to ''first'' Alpha ...). EDIT 2023, 20th July: Second time around, I'm two off and can't see Carl's new path, which cuts 2 from manti's. I hope to find it. Still an excellent level!
a year ago
(13 years ago) Very interesting. 6 off, whatever I try. But - will keep trying ! :) Edit: Finally got it ! :)) 59 tries. GREAT level ! EDIT (30th May, 2023) : rebeaten. This time I was light years away, and then suddenly just got it (10 tries and a lot of undoing). :))
a year ago
a year ago
Two tries, demoted from professor to PhD.
Was 119 three months ago despite much tries. Maybe I also had acquired more skills... In this level the openness of the level also made it more difficult to see which way is correct.