(10 years ago) Wow, what a GREAT level! I really enjoyed it (and had to try 139 times). :) After finding a 6 off, everything became a bit easier. :D
EDIT 2023, 2nd April: I finallyyyyy conquered this beauty, again. To me, it is one of THE best puzzles, in this game. It has every quality I can imagine:
- it is not easy to even see, what to do to reach the exit,
- it is about ideal format (not too small, so you can see everything very well),
- it has manyyyy options you can choose from,
- it has some very nice cuts that are not obvious, at all,
- it has some pipelining tricks,
- it has (at least) one very original trick,
- it offers just enough space, so you can blunder as much as you want ;),
- it is not very long and there's no dull repetitive movements, that would make you feel a slave to the ''warehouse'' ;),
- it gives a very rewarding feeling, when you solve it; the solution is just brilliant.
In my second run (in this new game) I was stuck at manti's (also beautiful) 435 path, unable to see how to cut 4 more steps. Today was my lucky day and I finally saw, where something more could be changed. Didn't really expect it to be shorter, but there was nothing else I could think of to do. So, I tried it. The first time I didn't do it right, but it proved to be 2 steps shorter. Then it became cristal clear to me, what meowlong did. Absolutely great find, super fun to explore, and a trully magnificent level.
I wonder what difficulty status it will get. It is pending 3, atm.
''Forgive me'' (by Raszlo) was the first level (in the old PP1 game) that I fell in love with. After all the levels I have played (and some of them sooo manyyyy times), I will say, that ''Fat roles'' is my second love. The two cannot be compared, though: they are from different worlds, but each magnificent in its own concept.
EDIT3 (28th Dec., 2023): I never expected this level to get another 2 step cut, by manti, then an 8 cut, by meowlong, a 6 cut by me, and another 2 cut, by meow, after so many years, all in a few days span, lol .
I think I preferred the 431 path, but it might just be nostalgia. ;)
(I had quite some troubles coming from 415 to 413.)
It's good to see it stayed SGM, after all.
10 months ago