2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Sweet little beginner level.
2 years ago
The number of holes is cause for alarm but thankfully this has the most straightforward possible solution.
14 years ago
2 off
Hey, I got it! Nice job on getting 276 Diablillo. It's insane how the record has been passed on this one. I wonder if it's optimal even now?
Firt I'm two moves off and then BAM!!! 286! It's somewhat difficult to find the blocks you need to use though.
16 years ago
First I can't beat it again, and suddenly, BAM! 288! Seriously, the path I used made a lot of sense. Just try to figure out which blocks you can live without, then try to pick an efficient path through it.
Yeah. I agree. The block shouldn't be there. I don't know what I was thinking back there. XD