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Discord only 6 tries, but nice stuff. unexpected trick. i really don't get levels like this, or why they work. so many 4-offs before i found the solution. i had the right path after about 6 tries. a very good trick, unfortunately not worth 8 points. o.0 First try? Guess i got lucky. hmm...it seems i saw the 'great trick' quite early on, but i was still missin another well-hidden optimisation on the same side.
a great level. you're kidding me. 69 tries. i had the right path around try 20, turns out i was doing it in the wrong order |:
nice solution btw. only 16 tries, but that doesn't take away how well hidden the solution is. i found somothing out using a bit of forwardthinking to suggest one of the blocks was not what it seemed, and the path hit me right there. wow...REALLY tricky,
4 off three different ways and 2 off one way
EDIT - Beaten. I have no idea how that works. not quite as well hidden as usual, i'm afraid.
still a good level though.