Hiding in a 2 off structure in a nearly forced level this long ***************************sucks
Edit: I know it's not your fault so take 4 instead of 3.5,
I really like the idea here. It is very forced, and a little long, but quite fun to execute and think about. I could definitely see a much harder level in this style being created.
For me, the route felt forced all the way long. I never had to make a choice because either only one room was opened, or the block was unambiguous and could be used at one unique location.
Only the upper left corner and the arrival to target allows for some optimization.
Real great concept, worth to start a serie, I agree.
While it is true that there is not MUCH choice, there are still choosing momentums. This level is quite unique in its structure, in a way. The best thing in this level IMO is it forces you to think ahead. And inspite of the concept it is not boring, since the player needs to think more than a few steps ahead. For me it was enjoyable inspite of its simplicity, if I may put it this way.
The concept is nice and cute, but there's very little choice involved and there are a couple of sneaky tricks in there that could be standalone levels, rather than having the player hunt for them in a giant step count level.
Not what I started with the intention of, and am afraid it just ends up being long...just long. Edit: I'm sorry, there was somewhere to improve on that?