


Am out of my mind, feel free to leave a message...

Ranked Solves: 660 🏅
Current Streak: 84 - 🔥
Levels Solved: 5561
Levels Completed: 5739
Last Seen: 4 hours ago
Registered: 2 years ago
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a month ago
The idea of passing is to make the longest 11x11 level.
7 months ago
Tilu, the idea with the Anti Optimal puzzles is that the puzzle is to find a way to NOT be optimal.
6 months ago
Hello and sorry for late reply, I see your message first yet. Now re your what you say: I don't understand what you're talking about. Are you referring to something I wrote somewhere that is not appropriate? Or something I failed to understand? Can you please explain, I'm really lost here.
6 months ago
Your reviews on Anti Optimal and Anti Optimal 2
6 months ago
Thanks for clarifying. My bad, I failed to understand the point, because I rarely - close to never - read level descriptions. Sorry for that. :)
2 years ago
Hi Tilu. Finally, after days and days of attempts I got what you meant about Salamander's 1-E level. I'd been trying to "pipeline" at the wrong point mostly and when I had tried near the correct area it was the wrong technique. Thanks for your help.