Takes a bit of analyzing to figure out what the general path is, but once that's figured out the top section isn't too bad. There are a few key things to set up in the bottom half to optimize it to 610, but luckily I was able to find them somewhat quickly. I think this could be a fun concept if it was a lot smaller, but the scale makes it annoying to iterate through all the path options.
lol 400 someodd step cut. *edit* I\'ll Screenshot and pass it over later tam *Double edit* Sent check your forum pms. ----------Don\'t know if I broke it again or optimized it better. used 4/5 movables
Geeze what the heck. Who gave diablillo and qllmus The puzzle solving bot -.-
Ok, think that fixes it, although I do not think it added anything to my previous 712...so I know I am currently short. IF there is no more holes...well, you know what I mean :)