Alazeh’s 60 has to have some shenanigans going on - I found the 62, but it doesn’t feel like it could be any more efficient. Some kinda black magic. I’ll have to come back later and cut that last 2. Edit: I found the black magic. Wonderful route found by Alazeh!
Unintended but there are multiple optimal 2 offs. Surprisingly hard.
Very nice solution to this one. Not too bad, but definitely takes a bit of thought to get it fully optimized. Does feel a little messy tho.
Interesting concept, but the construction is a tad loose.
a year ago
Square 1
Easy but can be tricky for new players
Really cool level - haven't solved it yet, I'm about 28 off right now. But I like the idea and will definitely return to it.
I had a different experience... My intuitive way brought me about 12 off... LOL You can always count on me to detect the farthest possibilities :D
Really fun PP1 level. Initially I was 10+ off many ways until I find the key to success. There are 2 small variations to the 177 though but this did not discount my preference to PP1 levels.
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