The last 2 (for 174) were very logical, but far from easy, for me. Great solution, Reach!
I think if I was a predator in the wild I would also be confused by the first zebra camouflague I saw and killed for my stupidity
I came back to this to leave a review after solving a few days ago. Upon inspecting my solution I felt it didn't make much sense, that there was a lot of movement that looks like it should lose moves. After looking at it a bit more closely, though, many of the movements make a lot of sense - as with many pipelining levels, the solution is not easy to find, but makes so much sense once you actually see it.
Some good optimization in this one - I found a route that was 2-off, and gave up for the day. Coming back to it today and inspecting my route a little closer, I found a spot that might save moves, and successfully saved them. Fun to work through.
Such a great level and path. After a few tries 4 or more off, I analyzed for a moment to see ******************************************************************, then executed that and found the 94. Very lovely.
More than one solution here. Could’ve been a little bit tighter, not that great.
Actually a pretty subtle 2-cut here. Very nice path found here.
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