16 years ago
Wow, I was blind; haha. Nice level.
16 years ago
Closet Space
Fun little level, nice setup.
Plenty of options and a nice solution.Cute level.
16 years ago
Cute level.
Fun level.
16 years ago
Level B
Cute level.. but easier than Level F :p (which I still haven't beaten... :/.)
16 years ago
Fun pattern.
17 years ago
Pushy Pushy
Little tricky for an easy level, I'd say. Two two-off paths and one four-off?
17 years ago
I can hardly get my head around this level, it hurts my brain. One day, I'll make something as complex as this. (20 off :P)Edit: beaten :). Simpler than you'd expect once you've got the basic path; but I liked the 2 step saver.
My favourite solution out of every PP1 level I've played so far. Simply exquisite.
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