The Rube Goldberg nudging of the blocks to keep them alive is both comical and satisfying. Fortunately optimization is not painful.
That last 4 move cut is nasty. I couldn't see it. Level is excellently constructed, but a bit dry from a solving perspective.
These levels normally give me a headache because I'm worried that either reaching the exit would be a massive pain or optimization would not be a fun task. This level manages to achieve an excellent balance; it was fun trying to figure out how to get to the exit (and the precise maneuvering was quite beautiful to work out) and the optimization is really just planning your route. The cherry on top is that the one bit of execution that is deceptively dry actually has a small optimization trick. A very well-balanced excellently executed challenge.
Design is top-notch.
a year ago
6 stars solely for being the first exponential construction.
Impressive, very clever structures.
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