2 years ago
The One
Had to leave a review on this classic so more people will see it. The maneuvering required to obtain the solution is extremely bizarre for a level of this size. On top of that, it's got a clean design and a cute theme with the L-shaped block arrangements.
Maybe 3 stars is a little harsh, but I think there is a lot to be desired in this design. The bulk of the level doesn't serve too much of a purpose, it's mostly just a couple of simple shortcuts with added combinatorial options for confusion. While I think it is an okay test of macro path analysis, I think most people just feel around until they get lucky and don't quite understand why the solution is any shorter. At least it looks like a spaceship.
2 years ago
This is a particularly interesting level because newbies will eventually feel their way to a solution, but it's got enough layers that newbies may not understand the lessons to be learned immediately. It gives them a taste for more modern designs and the expectations of some harder puzzles.
2 years ago
Very tricky, there are a lot of cuts scattered throughout the level that require iterating through.
2 years ago
Tin Man
What makes this level so tough is that the solutions are usually the most aggressive cuts, but here you need to hold back a little bit, which interestingly could make the solution much trickier. This is a great test of a player's ability to analyze step counts.
I think this is objectively the best possible 4x4 classic level you can make.
Never got around to reviewing this before, but when I first beat this level, it was one of the most baffling solutions, as it was the very last possibility I considered. Upon analysis, it began to make perfect sense, but it's shocking how cleanly executed the concept is.
Is it tricky? Sure. Is it well designed? I'd say so. Is it satisfying to solve? The trick is just unexpected enough that trying to blindly feel your way through the level might cause you to overlook it, but if you analyze the level, it becomes no different from any other false path level, where you're just going through every possibility until you stumble on the right one, making it more of a frustration than a satisfying challenge. Personally, I appreciate the construction far more than the experience of solving it.
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