17 years ago
* salamander lost Curaja 9 mins ago. * salamander lost Curaja 11 mins ago. * salamander lost Curaja 11 mins ago. * salamander lost Curaja 12 mins ago. * salamander lost Curaja 12 mins ago. * salamander lost Curaja 13 mins ago. Nuff said.
17 years ago
Esuna :D
108!!!!???? id only just found the 110 path too |:
17 years ago
6x6 (1)
probably Jeff...only took me 2 attempts tho :s
17 years ago
Snake 2
thats what i meant ;P no hard feelings ;P
17 years ago
you seem to have a habit of beating all my levels by two colinaf :@
17 years ago
Layer Cake
Wow Nab, i cant even get close to that ¬.¬, ive got to 307 but thats it EDIT: that better Vis? :P
17 years ago
this is probably my best level apart from Spirit Of Video, if this were to get into the game i would change the points but right now i cba EDIT: how could i forget shotgun not? :O
17 years ago
ignore this note as well...again, from ages ago
17 years ago
Wind Of Change
ignore the note on this level, i made it aaages ago |:
its only a minor trick, but its all good :D
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