Okay the 417 is tough particularly because Pathology/Psychopath teaches you how to pipeline for like 90% of the game and then there are levels like this that just subvert some of the fundamentals in weird ways. Easy to understand once you see it but you can be blinded by your pipelining experience. I may start being of the opinion that PP1.5 pipelining is the hardest thing in this game.
I had an absolute blast of a weekend trying to optimize this. 1092 feels really tight to me and should be optimal or hopefully very close to it! This is such an awesome level because the step count makes this one of the longest levels in the game without it being a tedious long hole level. You are challenged throughout this monster and there are a bunch of good cuts along the way. Absolute props to Hi19 for this. Its extremely well designed and despite the 352 steps cut I don't think I've circumvented anything major.
2 very different solutions
Not too hard, but I really like just pushing blocks sometimes!
I know this puzzle is broken hence the heavy star docking, but sometimes itโ€™s absolutely wild how you can play a puzzle one time and have no idea how to do it and then come back at a later point in time and see it immediately, which is what happened to me here.
3 twinning levels in a row is a lot!
After playing all the other twinnings this was a nice subversion/mental trickery. 326 seemed far away for a while. When i finally saw what needed to be done I went right to 326
Sneaky 4 cut. Might have given me carpooltunnel....... :)
Deceptive. This trick took me a while to see
Heh, one try this time, how did I get 118 when this came out ?_?
58 of 91