OK, cute trick. Agree with others that it could've probably been showcased in a shorter format lol.
There's not really any interesting components to this level, it's just about making the correct decisions. There's one neat little bit of optimization and that's pretty much it.
This one had me fooled for quite some time, trying to improve on my 2-off path. Had to take a step back and investigate some other options, before I saw the solution.
Really like this kind of level. Allows you to formulate a plan at the beginning, and the rest is just execution.
This one is actually surprisingly interesting - the close 2-off and the actual path are pretty neat. Well done.
The artistic pattern is a little neat, but the level is not particularly good, IMO. Path is pretty immediate and much of the level is unused.
This one was actually quite tricky. Enjoyed the process of working out the solution and figuring out how to cut 4. Nice trick, good level.
This one felt pretty obvious where the correct path was, it was just a matter of getting there efficiently. Took me a few tries, but eventually made it work. Just an OK level, IMO.
Not a particularly interesting level. So much of it is just not particularly useful. David's solution is nice enough but beyond that, eh.
The level tricked me into playing around too much in the wrong area - when I thought of where I should actually be focusing my efforts, the solution followed immediately. Not a bad one.
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