I really like this level. The way it’s built you can see from the beginning how the path should proceed, and it’s just a matter of following it without making any mistakes.
This solution was for some reason much more immediate to me than another in this series; still a cool solution though.
Really interesting that that is what ends up being most optimal. Kinda logical but feels unintuitive.
Fun one - got fooled by the naive solution, and figured out the correct one on my second try.
This is quite a nice level. Fun to work through and figure out.
This actually has a pretty neat solution, especially for so few moves. Pretty nice. That being said, I do wish there were more compelling false paths - the only false path I found was pretty much just a variant of the actual solution.
This is a fun one. Straightforward, but a nice technique to accomplish what you need to.
Some of the moves seem a tiny bit forced, but on the whole this is quite nice, and the solution can be logically constructed piece by piece.
This is a really brilliant level. Love the idea and how you’ve set it up. Very nicely done.
I’m not a super big fan of this one. I feel like you could’ve done a lot more with it, but the path as is feels a little boring.
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