Rare level that’s easier on mobile than PC.
This was a really strange one. I had a 6-off and was playing around with some modifications, then seemingly stumbled into the solution by pure accident. Very strange indeed.
Very nice! You and Panacea have shown that I could’ve done a lot more with this concept, and you both executed really well. Great level!
Really cool level! Definitely a much nicer execution on this idea.
Great humor in this level - I tried every wrong option before the right one. Shows what I know.
Really impressive step count, cool level!
This is a really fantastic miniature. Awesome level, especially for its difficulty and size.
Same as Alazeh - I fell for a 2-off that likely wasn’t even intentional LOL.
Really nice solution. Lots of interesting ideas in such a compact space, and a nice 2-off to seal the deal.
Every time I thought I had found the right trick, I ended up in a 2-off. Then when I found the right idea, I thought there was no way it could work. Very carefully crafted level, well done.
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