Very nice level. Quite hard indeed to solve. Even after seeing how the beginning was supposed to be done, it took me a little bit to ********************************************************** Lots of fun to figure out, some good places to reverse engineer a solution.
Excellent level. At first I couldn’t even see anything close, but eventually I found a 73. I had to go through several 73s and 75s before I eventually saw the solution. It’s quite a nice solution, but feels very tricky and delicate. Very nice to solve. :)
*************************************************************************************, but there was still some fun optimization to be had in this level. Pretty nice, but not excellent.
Very cool level. So many subtly different options for how to maneuver around those blocks in the middle, and ************************************************************************************ Took me quite a while to figure out, very nice design!
Didn’t find this one to be too bad - the solution flowed more or less as I expected it to, modulo one place to lose steps. Some fun manipulation, not bad.
Pretty neat level. The construction is a little bit messy, but the solve was quite enjoyable. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** A nice little 2-cut caps the level off nicely.
Lots of false paths on this level, and yet somehow I managed to invent one more. I tried the correct path multiple times, but for some reason caused myself to be 2-off every single time. I'm not even sure how I managed that, but I tried it again today as a sanity check, and suddenly just solved the level. Honestly shocked. Pretty well-constructed level, but messed with me psychologically more than anything.
Amazing. Feels like such an intricate solution for such a simple level, requiring ******************************************************* So many different 2-offs, it makes it hard to focus in on what might be optimal.
Wow, this was incredibly tough for me to see. Once I found the 2-offs it didn’t seem like there was anything that could reasonably be done differently. Very logical solution though, I just couldn’t see it at all. Very nice level.
Excellent level - a fun little knot to untangle. My first solution had me quite far off, but it didn’t take long to see the right idea. Cleverly hidden though.