Brilliant - that 2-cut felt so obvious in hindsight, but I was so set in my ways it was hard to find it. Very nice level, I like this one.
Love the logic of this one, really fun to figure out.
One of those levels that feels unapproachable at first, but that you can see the logic in after a little bit of playing around. I do actually like this one pretty well. Not a spectacular level, but I think it's a plenty good one. Edit: I just realized that most of the fun part of this is more or less taken from Closet Space. If you'd riffed on the theme a little more it would've been nicer, but as is the two sections are functionally identical. Loses a lot of the charm as a result in my opinion.
Another one where I was stuck at 2-off for quite a while, until I could eventually see how I was being silly. I'm not the biggest fan of this level. It's a fine level, but there's nothing too special to it.
Wow, this one took me a while to see. Started around 50 off or so, which is basically just the naive, unoptimised solution. Eventually got down to the correct solution. I do like the one major trick that allows you to cut most of the moves, but the rest of the level does feel a little bland and/or unrefined.
A little tough to figure out, and not a bad solution, but feels a little messy. Wish some of the sections were better utilized.
Tough one to puzzle through. Very fun though, I enjoyed the block manipulation a lot.
Not a super interesting level, IMO.
Not a bad level, tricky to figure out how to escape. Helps to work backward from what must be done.
Somehow avoided any slower solutions entirely. For some reason the 51 was the most intuitive option to me, and what I tried first. Nice level though, fun to execute.
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